1 Nov 2014

Upen - Praneet discuss who will win this season!

These days the housemates look caught up in the rat race! As the days are passing by they are even more alert on who is going to be evicted next! While they manage to hide their anticipation from the housemates, they can't hide it from me. I  caught Praneet and Upen secretly discussing who is going to be evicted this week in which Praneet gave a track record of the contestants who had won previous seasons as in the strategies they used then, and what are the mandatory traits required to play the game till the end. However, Upen didn’t seem too convinced with what Praneet had to say and he said “If I want to win, I will be honest and staright forward without any manipulation, I would not try to be somebody else.” Hmmm now will wait and watch  as we get closer to the grand finale Upen! Which is still far. We also need to keep a track of what each one of them has said about their own winning strategy.Will they play the game their way? Or go back to tactics that were used by earlier contestants in previous seasons to win? It’s getting even more interesting!


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