Mission Sapne, the first-of-its-kind television show which brings out the humanitarian side of celebrities, is all set to hit the small screens on Colors. Ace singer Mika, who be seen in the show as a chai wala and support a common mans dreams, has also lent his voice for the title track that attempts to inspire people and bring out the philanthropic nature of the show.
The lyrics of the song 'Sach Hone Ko Hai Sapne' have been penned by Seema Saini, complemented beautifully by music composed by Raju Singh. The music video has been directed and produced by Vikas Gulati of Sobo Films who is also producing the show.
Source adds: “The temperament of the song is very unlike Mika’s style of singing. (He is mostly known for his peppy item numbers). This soulful rendition brings beautifully to the fore the soul of the show. Mika has not just sung the song, but he also features in the video. Mika, who strongly feels for the cause has done the song and video completely free of cost.”
Says Vikas Gulati (Sobo Films) who has produced the show as well as the music video, “When Mika heard about the concept of the music video, he on his own readily agreed to sing and feature in it. He went out of his way and gave us 4 days from his busy schedule for this music video and that too, without charging a penny. That speaks volumes about his generosity and the way he feels about the problems of the common man. We thank Mika for his immense support and cooperation.”
The music Video of Mission Sapne just like the show features some of the biggest names like Salman Khan, Ranbir Kapoor, Karan Johar, Harbhajan Singh, Varun Dhawan who have come forward to help the common man.
The lyrics of the song 'Sach Hone Ko Hai Sapne' have been penned by Seema Saini, complemented beautifully by music composed by Raju Singh. The music video has been directed and produced by Vikas Gulati of Sobo Films who is also producing the show.
Source adds: “The temperament of the song is very unlike Mika’s style of singing. (He is mostly known for his peppy item numbers). This soulful rendition brings beautifully to the fore the soul of the show. Mika has not just sung the song, but he also features in the video. Mika, who strongly feels for the cause has done the song and video completely free of cost.”
Says Vikas Gulati (Sobo Films) who has produced the show as well as the music video, “When Mika heard about the concept of the music video, he on his own readily agreed to sing and feature in it. He went out of his way and gave us 4 days from his busy schedule for this music video and that too, without charging a penny. That speaks volumes about his generosity and the way he feels about the problems of the common man. We thank Mika for his immense support and cooperation.”
The music Video of Mission Sapne just like the show features some of the biggest names like Salman Khan, Ranbir Kapoor, Karan Johar, Harbhajan Singh, Varun Dhawan who have come forward to help the common man.