After an intense day where the Butlers created much havoc in the Bigg Boss house, the contestants wake up in the morning with renewed energy to complete this week’s luxury budget task, ‘Sab Durandhar Hotel Ke Andar’.
As the contestants got active following breakfast, a spate of arguments became a cause of concern because even before they could begin the second leg of the task, many comments and decisions raised some unwanted questions on the contestants’ behaviour. Soon, though, the contestants start the task all over again and Dimpy, Nigaar and Renee continue to give the butlers their respective tasks for the day thereby keeping them on their toes.
After lunch was served, Bigg Boss announced the end of the luxury budget task and Diandra, as captain, was given the responsibility of choosing the winners amongst the butlers and the guests. Diandra, in turn, counted the tips that had been earned by the butlers and also deducted earnings for unruly behaviour, breaking rules and causing unrest during the course of the task.
In the evening, Bigg Boss introduced the ‘Asliyat Ka Aaina’ task wherein the contestants were seen standing before a mirror and Renee standing behind it to give them a glimpse into how their personalities appeared on television and to the outside world. While some agreed with Renee, there were others who were taken aback and some who completely refused to agree with her point of view.
All in all, the day witnessed a lot of changes in relationships… While some friendships flourished and some mended ways, others got nipped in the bud even before they got a chance to flourish!
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