20 Nov 2014

Pritam Pyaare is the chosen one for punishment!

Remember the day when Gautam was announced the captain, Pritam had retaliated in every possible way? gautam had not forgotten this. So, when the time had come to choose one gharwala, who didn’t meet up the captain’s expectations, Gauti called out many names who had not worked. But, he undoubtedly felt Pritam should get the punishment as he refused to be part of the meeting wherein Gautam assigned responsibilities to everyone for the week under his captaincy. Pritam in high spirits accepted the punishment, as he had already predicted. But, the punishment this time was extremely painful- 'Separating a sack-full of wheat from rice seeds!'

As the time passed by and the gharwaales saw Pritam trying to complete his task, they actually felt bad for him. Especially Gautam, who urged Big Boss along with Puneet to release him from this task or allow the P3G to do it together.Wait a minute, am I sure they said P3G?? Oh yes , they did say P3G! Not after too long Big Boss praised Pritam for his tireless efforts and released him from the punishment. And goodness what I saw I wish I could click picture of . As soon as Pritam was out of punishment room, Puneet,Praneet,Gautam and Pritam gave a tight hug to each other together. 

Did they live happily ever after? Watch in tonight’s episode!


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