The contestants of Bigg Boss 8 wake up to yet another day still recovering from the unfortunate eviction of Puneet. But the sadness was taken over by excitement as soon as Bigg Boss announced that the luxury budget task, Unchi Hai Building will continue from where it was stopped.
Team A which includes Gautam, Sonali, Sushant and Pritam start the task once again. Team B which includes, Diandra, Karishma, Aarya, Praneet, and Ali try to distract them as much as possible. Ali tries to stop Pritam from rotating the wheel. Aarya refuses to put any required effort and but just sits down on the wooden panel stating major pain in the neck. Karishma sits alongside Aarya while stopping the opposite team from constructing the building. Sushant tries to push Praneet away from the blocks to avoid them from being thrown away. Gautam and Sonali try to build the blocks inside a wooden box and plan to turn it upside down when the time is right. Diandra is seen irritating Gautam and Sonali, while Ali constantly makes an attempt to ruin the task as much as possible.
Later on it is Team B’s turn to perform the task. Ali tries to rotate the wheel but is stopped by Pritam and Gautam from either side. Aarya, Karishma, Diandra and Praneet try to build the blocks. Soon the task turns into a big chaotic huddle as all the contestants start getting on top of each other to save the already built blocks while Team A tries to throw away as many blocks as possible. In the process, Karishma, Pritam, Gautam and Diandra get hurt. However Team B emerges as winners according to Captain Upen but still asks Bigg Boss to make a decision. The game was successful and well played with a lot of team spirit.
In the evening the housemates are shocked once again when evicted Puneet gives out an apology message through a video for everyone. Karishma, Gautam, Pritam and Praneet are seen feeling extremely emotional amongst others. But to know what happens after Puneet’s unexpected video, tune into, tonight’s episode of Bigg Boss Season 8.
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