Popular host of Colors' popular reality show Bigg Boss 8 reveals about his crush...
The viewers of Colors' popular reality show Bigg Boss 8 eagerly wait for the 'Weekend Bonanza' where Captain Salman takes off the show. Adding more fun and entertainment to the weekend episode, this time the evergreen actress Rekha would be coming to the show to promote her upcoming movie Super Nani.
During the episode, Salman Khan reveal that he has a crush on Rekha.
We heard that, "Salman was too elated to know that Rekha would be coming on Bigg Boss to promote her upcoming movie Super Nani. Rekha received a warm welcome from Salman and he also shook a leg with her on stage. Later, Salman revealed that an year ago, he had confessed to his girlfriend Sangeeta Bijlani that he has a big crush on Rekha. He also stated that his girlfriend didn't take it offensive since it was Rekha because even she was in awe of her beauty."
Further we also heard that, "Rekha blushed after hearing this confession of Salman she jokingly said that a lot of girls have crushes on her because of which men have actually gotten far away from her."
That must be a 'Super Moment' indeed!
Keep reading this space for more updates.
The viewers of Colors' popular reality show Bigg Boss 8 eagerly wait for the 'Weekend Bonanza' where Captain Salman takes off the show. Adding more fun and entertainment to the weekend episode, this time the evergreen actress Rekha would be coming to the show to promote her upcoming movie Super Nani.
During the episode, Salman Khan reveal that he has a crush on Rekha.
We heard that, "Salman was too elated to know that Rekha would be coming on Bigg Boss to promote her upcoming movie Super Nani. Rekha received a warm welcome from Salman and he also shook a leg with her on stage. Later, Salman revealed that an year ago, he had confessed to his girlfriend Sangeeta Bijlani that he has a big crush on Rekha. He also stated that his girlfriend didn't take it offensive since it was Rekha because even she was in awe of her beauty."
Further we also heard that, "Rekha blushed after hearing this confession of Salman she jokingly said that a lot of girls have crushes on her because of which men have actually gotten far away from her."
That must be a 'Super Moment' indeed!
Keep reading this space for more updates.
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