Drama will engulf the relatively new Colors’ show Shastri Sisters (Shakuntalam Telefilms) with the entry of Shraddha Jaiswal. The actor will be seen essaying the role of Astha, Alka’s (Neha Pednekar) sister-in-law and will be seen creating problems for her when she would get married to the Pandey household.
“Everyone has someone on the in-laws’ side that creates havoc in their married life. I get to be that person in Alka’s life in Shastri Sisters. It has been fun shooting with everyone because the cast is a mixed bag of artistes across age groups,” said Shraddha last seen in Gustakh Dil.
Shraddha as Astha, will try her best to convince her in-laws that Alka still has an on-going affair with her jilted lover Rajeev (Sumit Verma).
Commenting on Shraddha’s entry, Neha said, “My life at my in-laws is going to become a living hell, thanks to Astha! Even when I would be trying my best to forget Rajeev, she will use her tricks to manipulate Rohan’s parents to make them believe that I am still secretly seeing Rajeev. Whether they buy her story or not is something you will have to wait and watch!”
Gear up to see some interesting kitchen politics next in the show.
“Everyone has someone on the in-laws’ side that creates havoc in their married life. I get to be that person in Alka’s life in Shastri Sisters. It has been fun shooting with everyone because the cast is a mixed bag of artistes across age groups,” said Shraddha last seen in Gustakh Dil.
Shraddha as Astha, will try her best to convince her in-laws that Alka still has an on-going affair with her jilted lover Rajeev (Sumit Verma).
Commenting on Shraddha’s entry, Neha said, “My life at my in-laws is going to become a living hell, thanks to Astha! Even when I would be trying my best to forget Rajeev, she will use her tricks to manipulate Rohan’s parents to make them believe that I am still secretly seeing Rajeev. Whether they buy her story or not is something you will have to wait and watch!”
Gear up to see some interesting kitchen politics next in the show.
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