It has only been about two days that we reported how Aam Aadmi Party leader Kumar Vishwas demanded Rs 21 crore from Endemol to enter the 'Bigg Boss 8' house. but now, Colors TV seemed to have rejected his plea and demands.
He is already in news after he claimed that BJP approached him to become the chief minister of Delhi and now he wrote a letter to the Endemol team asking for a whopping sum which he plans to donate to War Widows Fund. But now, Colors team has clearly declined his demands and is not ready to pay him the sum he asked for.
Colors has been trying to cajole Vishwas in for the show for years now but never have they managed to crack the deal. So, this year as well, we might just not get to see Vishwas's antics on the small screen!
He is already in news after he claimed that BJP approached him to become the chief minister of Delhi and now he wrote a letter to the Endemol team asking for a whopping sum which he plans to donate to War Widows Fund. But now, Colors team has clearly declined his demands and is not ready to pay him the sum he asked for.
Colors has been trying to cajole Vishwas in for the show for years now but never have they managed to crack the deal. So, this year as well, we might just not get to see Vishwas's antics on the small screen!
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