Omung Kumar and Priyanka Chopra, the Director-Actor combination of the upcoming movie Mary Kom recently made a surprise visit to the sets of Colors’ Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa. Not only did they create a spark on the stage of the dance reality show with their amazing presence, but they also narrated the connection they have had with Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa, as they prepared for their movie, Mary Kom.
Wondering what the connection would have been? Here is the answer.
Before the movie Mary Kom could go on floor, PC had to get into the groove of the character she was playing. And in order to do that, she used to practice the art of boxing in Filmistan Studios. Since the Mary Kom Studio is in the same area as that of the Jhalak studio, PC used to keep hearing the title track of the dance show even when she used to practice her boxing skills.
Aww, what a coincidence to have!!
And not to forget the connection that Omung, the acclaimed art director who is making his directorial debut on the big screen with Mary Kom has with Jhalak. Well, for the uninitiated, Omung is the person who designed the sets of the huge dance reality show, Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa.
Get to catch PC and Omung on the stage of Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa this weekend.
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