With the show Main Naa Bhoolungi wrapping up last night, we are sure you will miss the thrilling drama. The show on Sony Entertainment Television portrayed the revenge tale of Shikha played by the pretty and talented Aishwarya Sakhuja. And the evil guy was played to the ‘t’ by the good looking Vikas Manaktala.
Produced by Beyond Dreams Entertainment, the finite show was given an extension and that caused a drop in the content value of the show. But all’s well that ends well and the show managed to end in a high dramatic point as hoped by the viewers.
Talking on the journey, Aishwarya shares, “It had been a journey of extreme. The show was not a happy show and it had me emoting intensely throughoiut. But then yes, I got to learn a lot more through this show. I also got to understand how to handle people on and off screen in this show. Overall it has been a wonderful experience. Now all I want is to just relax and spend time with my friends and family to get over the revenge zone and get back to normalcy.”
Vikas here adds, “Initially when the show started it was going great guns, but with the extension and TRP game taking over the content, the show started faltering. But the whole team worked superbly well to bring it to a great end. The comeback has been a satisfactory one and I am glad with the response audience gave to our show. Next I would like to do a passionate love story where I can present a different side of mine (winks).”
And finally when we spoke to producer Yash Patnaik he quipped, “A daily thriller is one of the most challenging genres and handling a huge task as definitely difficult but overall we managed to put up a good show and that is a satisfying feeling. Being a finite series it got an extension but then we decided to pull the plug at the right moment because we do not believe in dragging a show uselessly. The team had worked really hard and I would like to congratulate each and every one of them for their efforts.”
We wish you all the very best for your future endeavors.
Produced by Beyond Dreams Entertainment, the finite show was given an extension and that caused a drop in the content value of the show. But all’s well that ends well and the show managed to end in a high dramatic point as hoped by the viewers.
Talking on the journey, Aishwarya shares, “It had been a journey of extreme. The show was not a happy show and it had me emoting intensely throughoiut. But then yes, I got to learn a lot more through this show. I also got to understand how to handle people on and off screen in this show. Overall it has been a wonderful experience. Now all I want is to just relax and spend time with my friends and family to get over the revenge zone and get back to normalcy.”
Vikas here adds, “Initially when the show started it was going great guns, but with the extension and TRP game taking over the content, the show started faltering. But the whole team worked superbly well to bring it to a great end. The comeback has been a satisfactory one and I am glad with the response audience gave to our show. Next I would like to do a passionate love story where I can present a different side of mine (winks).”
And finally when we spoke to producer Yash Patnaik he quipped, “A daily thriller is one of the most challenging genres and handling a huge task as definitely difficult but overall we managed to put up a good show and that is a satisfying feeling. Being a finite series it got an extension but then we decided to pull the plug at the right moment because we do not believe in dragging a show uselessly. The team had worked really hard and I would like to congratulate each and every one of them for their efforts.”
We wish you all the very best for your future endeavors.
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