Trust Akshay Kumar to push the envelope when it comes to daredevilry. While celebrities have been contend completing the now trending Ice Bucket Challenge by drenching themselves with one bucketful of icy cold water, Akshay Kumar went ahead and got 11 people to simultaneously pour ice water on him. Suffice to say, he took 11 Ice Bucket Challenge at one go.
The action star who is currently in Cape Town shooting for Dare 2 Dance, an upcoming dance-based reality show on Life OK, was nominated for the Ice Bucket Challenge by his friend Riteish Deshmukh who happened to be the first Bollywood celeb to take the dare. Akshay sportingly accepted the challenge and asked one of the contestants present to pour a bucket of ice water on him. And before Akshay could blink, the remaining 10 contestants too joined in with buckets of ice water in their hands all in readiness to empty it on Akshay’s head.
While others would have chickened out, our Khiladi Kumar was up for the challenge. With one hand covering his face and the one folded across his chest, Akshay indicated that he was ready. And in a split second all 11 contestants emptied their buckets on Akshay which left the star shivering with immense cold.
Before completing the challenge, Akshay made sure to nominate his wife Twinkle, business partner Ashvini Yardi and actor Salman Khan for the dare. Now it remains to be seen which of these people will accept the challenge and complete the dare in 24 hours. A shirtless Salman drenching himself with ice cold water would certainly be a sight to behold, we say.
The action star who is currently in Cape Town shooting for Dare 2 Dance, an upcoming dance-based reality show on Life OK, was nominated for the Ice Bucket Challenge by his friend Riteish Deshmukh who happened to be the first Bollywood celeb to take the dare. Akshay sportingly accepted the challenge and asked one of the contestants present to pour a bucket of ice water on him. And before Akshay could blink, the remaining 10 contestants too joined in with buckets of ice water in their hands all in readiness to empty it on Akshay’s head.
While others would have chickened out, our Khiladi Kumar was up for the challenge. With one hand covering his face and the one folded across his chest, Akshay indicated that he was ready. And in a split second all 11 contestants emptied their buckets on Akshay which left the star shivering with immense cold.
Before completing the challenge, Akshay made sure to nominate his wife Twinkle, business partner Ashvini Yardi and actor Salman Khan for the dare. Now it remains to be seen which of these people will accept the challenge and complete the dare in 24 hours. A shirtless Salman drenching himself with ice cold water would certainly be a sight to behold, we say.
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