Actor Ashish Sharma who essays the lead role of Rudra in Colors’ Rang Rasiya (Saurabh Tewari Films), and is also seen as a contestant in the ongoing dance reality show on Colors, Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa has been balancing his work very well. However, news coming in is that the man is presently going through a rough phase on the personal front. And the best part is that Ashish being the thorough professional that he is, has kept his personal problems out of notice from his Rangrasiya team as well as his choreographer partner in Jhalak.
Handling professional stress is a part and parcel of every actor’s life. However, it is too tough to overcome the personal stress, especially when your loved ones are in pain, observes a close friend of Ashish.
Yes, through the friend of the actor, we did get to know of Ashish’s mother losing vision in her eyes and going through a major operation recently in Jaipur. Also, Ashish’s wife Archana Taide (who is also an actor) recently suffered a major disc bulge near the spine. She is on complete bed rest for the past one week, and will take atleast a month to recover.
The friend went on to say, “Ashish is under tremendous pressure right now, with him not able to fulfil his family commitments, especially when his mother and wife are ill. His mother has been sick in Jaipur, and Ashish has not got the minimum time to even go and meet her. In spite of all this, Ashish works from 8 am to 2 am, which really shows the level of dedication the actor has towards his job. He has kept all his problems to himself, and continues to work harder towards his goal. His mother and wife have also been very supportive, inspiring him to give his best shot at the job on hand.”
We tried calling Ashish’s choreographer Shampa, but did not get through to her.
Ashish and his wife Archana were not accessible for any comment.
Kudos to Ashish’s tenacity to handle tough situations!!
We hope you excel in every walk of life, Ashish!!
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