Amitabh Bachchan's Yudh on Sony Entertainment Television hasn't exactly set the small screen ablaze. The fiction series which was launched amidst immense fanfare has had a sluggish start with ratings oscillating from average to low and the only silver lining being the legendary actor's performance who continues to be the biggest draw in an otherwise tepid series. Needless to say, Yudh certainly has been a colossal disappointment hitherto.
When we asked Amitabh if he was happy with the response received, the superstar actor opted to travel down the diplomatic route.
"My work for Yudh is over now. And I believe that an actor should never be satisfied with his work. Personally, I try and see that I do good work."
Elaborating on the TRPs which evidently has not been on the higher side, Amitabh said, "I don't have much idea about television's TRPs. In case of films, the weekend numbers tell us whether the film is a hit or flop. For television, you have TRPs which I don't understand much. I just do my work and go back. Now it's for you all to decide whether the work that I have done is right or wrong. Sahi hua toh aapko main namaskar karoonga aur galat hua toh bhi main namaskar karoonga."
Well, let's hope Yudh picks up pace in the coming days.
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