Talented actor Vishwajeet Pradhan, who essays the role of the she-man Kalavati in Life OK’s Ek Boond Ishq (BBC Worldwide Productions), has garnered quite a lot of appreciation from masses and critics for his power-packed performance. But now, it seems as though the man is losing his ground with his weird behaviour on the sets.
The man apparently is upset with something, and keeps venting his anger on anything and anyone present around him. The recent protest of the man was seen yesterday (12 June) when the cast and crew members were busy celebrating the protagonist Viraf Phiroz Patel’s birthday by cutting a cake. Even the media was present for the cake-cutting event. But Vishwajeet seemed to be bothered about something, and started throwing things around. He got violent, an avatar that nobody had come across off the screen.
A reliable source from the set says, “Things were perfectly fine with the actor till the time the thought of the leap in the storyline took place. All of a sudden, the man started showing his displeasure on the set. The man who is known to get into the looks of Kalavati within no time, owing to the experience he has had by now, takes nearly 4-5 hours to dress up now. He locks himself in his room, and does not show up on time. He makes his co-actors and the entire unit wait to shoot scenes. And since he is a predominant character, he needs to be present for most of the scenes. Overall, he carries a fuming behaviour on the set, and can even go to the extent of abusing people.”
We tried to dig around more on this matter, and got bit more info on what might be irking the man.
The insider states, “The creative team has planned a completely new look for Kalavati post the leap. And this behaviour of the man has been observed soon after the actor had a talk about the new look. So apparently the problem might be with the new look, but the man has not had any conversation with anyone about what has been troubling him. But his difference in behaviour has created quite a lot of problems on the set.”
When we buzzed Vishwajeet, he said, “Choti moti baatein hoti rehti hai. One should not make much hue and cry about it. I have been working since the last 25 years and the fact that producers have repeated me in their shows, depicts the fact that I have some credibility in the industry.”
Producer Saba Mumtaz though refuted any such happening and said, “All is well.”
With a crucial leap in place for Ek Boond Ishq, and with Life OK moving to the 3rd position in the overall GEC ratings chart, a lot is expected of the seasoned actor, and we hope he sorts out his issues soon!!
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