Young actor Faisal Khan, who plays the titular role in Bharat Ka Veer Putra - Maharana Pratap, went through rigorous training and rehearsals for a major war sequence for the TV show. He hopes his efforts translate into the best.
"I'm very excited to be a part of such a big sequence. This will be my biggest fight ever with so many artists, horses and camels. It is not easy to handle a crowd of thousand people, but the way the production team has handled it, is great," Faisal said in a statement.
"I am happy that I got a chance to learn the very popular martial art form 'Kalaripayattu' from the specialists. I've rehearsed a lot for this war sequence, hopefully it comes out best. I am very happy but at the same time nervous too," he added.
The war scene will see drama, bravery, determination, heroism, tears and sacrifices.
"Planning and executing a war on this scale has been a great challenge. Many departments such as the action, VFX, costumes, weaponry, sets and direction have had to work in a coordinated fashion to be able to achieve this feat", said Abhimanyu Singh, CEO of Contiloe Entertainment Pvt Ltd.
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