With the entry of Pallavi played by Padmini Kolhapure, the drama level has been raised in Sony Entertainment Television’s Ekk Nayi Pehchaan (Jay and Kinnari Mehta). But the one who is getting into the crux of the drama is Suresh, essayed by the talented Sooraj Thappar who is being pulled on both sides by the two women in his life.
We decided to speak to the man and ask him how he is enjoying his ‘romantic outing’ in the show. “I guess it was pending for long (laughs) but yes we are having fun. It’s interesting that the older generation is getting the limelight and the focus has shifted to their ordeals rather than just rounding about the younger lot. But yes, of course the work pressure has also added up with us doing back to back scenes.”
And how is Padmini handling the pressure? “Oh, she is definitely bogged down by the volume of work and is shocked as how we manage to do such long scenes at one go. But she is this superbly cool woman and is always ready to adapt to the working environment. She is also not scared to move out of her comfort zone,” shared Sooraj.
Recalling a recent incident, the actor averred, “I had to memorize a very long monologue and when Padminiji saw me successfully doing it, she was like go home now that you have done it so easily (laughs). She was really surprised with the way we work but then she takes suggestion from us and has no airs. It’s almost like she is a new actor eager to learn everyday on the sets.”
Interestingly, this is not Sooraj’s first professional outing with Padmini and Poonam Dhillon (Sharda, his other wife on the show). He has earlier worked with the wonder ladies in stage shows and has also directed the former in a play.
When asked with whom he enjoyed working more, he said: “Why do you want me to get killed (laughs)! But on a serious note, they both are fabulous actors and good human beings so I enjoy working with both. Also both of them are very good friends so even if I try to spark enmity between them I would surely fail. So it’s better I work together as a team with both of them,” concluded the man.
That is surely a smart thought Sooraj!
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