The drama series Ekk Nayi Pehchaan (Jay and Kinnari Mehta) on Sony Entertainment Television is having a gala time presenting the best of drama sequences in the show. After the lovey dovey time between the couples during vrat purnima, a shocking revelation is lined up soon for the viewers.
As a devoted wife Sharda (Poonam Dhillon) will keep her fast for her husband Suresh (Sooraj Thapar) who unfortunately will be away for some official work. Sharda will then get an invitation at a restaurant from her client and before she could complete her fast, she will rush to the meeting.
Informs a source, “Sharda will be there at the restaurant when suddenly she will see Suresh there. Thinking that he is there to surprise her she will get really happy.”
But her happiness will be cut short when she will see Suresh talking on the phone worriedly and she will walk towards him in concern. But suddenly another woman will walk up to Suresh and hug him tight.
Sharda will be shattered seeing Suresh with the woman and go ahead to confront him on the same. As viewers already know the woman will be none other than Suresh’ second wife Pallavi (Padmini Kolhapure)
What will Suresh tell Sharda? Will Sharda get to know about this ‘other woman’?
We called up Sooraj who said, “Watch the show to see what all excitement has been lined up.”
Padmini’s entry will be aired in the next couple of days.
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