Bhairavi Raichura and Nandita Mehra’s 24 Frames will soon come up with the adaptation of the popular American based series Missing on Star Plus. The show which has a good ensemble cast with Bhagyashree Patwardhan, Rajshri Sachdev, Eijaz Khan, Ayaaz Khan, Adita Wahi, Jiten Lalwani will also see the handsome Jai Kalra playing a significant role.
Kalra, who is presently seen in Ekta Kapoor’s Bade Achhe Lagte Hain on Sony TV, will play the husband of noted actress Bhagyashree in Missing.
A source states, “Kalra and Bhagyashree will essay the central characters of the parents whose teenage daughter will go missing. Kalra’s will be a performance-oriented role, and he is looking forward to being a part of it, especially because this happens to be a lead role.”
At present, the actors associated with the show are shooting for the promo. The promo is expected to go on air very soon, is what we get to hear.
When contacted, Jai refused to comment on anything.
However, we found the actor’s tweet which read – “Time for new beginnings.. Need all your love and support once again.. Shooting for the promo of my new show today on #StarPlus..”
Jai, we wish you all the very best.
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