Comic actor Kiku Sharda who has become a household name after his drag act as ‘Palak’ in Comedy Nights With Kapil would now be appearing on the dance reality show Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa as a contestant. Both shows air on Colors.
But there’s a rider. Kiku would be seen on Jhalak as Palak all through. He would not be participating as himself but as the character he plays on the Kapil’s show.
Says a source close to the project, “A whole screenplay has been devised for Kiku’s ‘Palak’ avatar. Palak would try to dance her way to victory on Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa and she would be bragging to Bittu (Kapil Sharma) on Kapil’s show week after week about her triumphs on Jhalak. Kapil who is shown to be very contemptuous of Palak would be seeing her with renewed respect after she appears on Jhalak.”
For an actor in drag to dance his way through entire dance-reality show as the character he plays on another show, is quite a novelty, and a gimmicky one at that.
Kiku admits the decision to do the drag dancing on Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa is not his. “Since Comedy Nights With Kapil and Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa are both on the same channel Colors it is their decision to transport me from Kapil’s show to the dance show as Palak. I had no say in it. They’ve also been asking me to appear on their other shows as Palak.”
The comic actor says he has no problems being known as Palak everywhere. “I am the kind of actor who enjoys being recognized for playing a character. Today I am popular as Palak. Earlier I was popular as Akbar. Tomorrow I may be known for playing another character. I’d be happy to go everywhere as the character that I am popular for playing. The roles I play are a very different entity from the person that I am. I have a very private life with my wife and kids at home. Palak is the public face. To have given Palak such a fiercely independent identity is not an easy thing.”
Kiku hopes to play Palak for some time. “She is loved by the public. I don’t intend to kill her for some time now.”
But there’s a rider. Kiku would be seen on Jhalak as Palak all through. He would not be participating as himself but as the character he plays on the Kapil’s show.
Says a source close to the project, “A whole screenplay has been devised for Kiku’s ‘Palak’ avatar. Palak would try to dance her way to victory on Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa and she would be bragging to Bittu (Kapil Sharma) on Kapil’s show week after week about her triumphs on Jhalak. Kapil who is shown to be very contemptuous of Palak would be seeing her with renewed respect after she appears on Jhalak.”
For an actor in drag to dance his way through entire dance-reality show as the character he plays on another show, is quite a novelty, and a gimmicky one at that.
Kiku admits the decision to do the drag dancing on Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa is not his. “Since Comedy Nights With Kapil and Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa are both on the same channel Colors it is their decision to transport me from Kapil’s show to the dance show as Palak. I had no say in it. They’ve also been asking me to appear on their other shows as Palak.”
The comic actor says he has no problems being known as Palak everywhere. “I am the kind of actor who enjoys being recognized for playing a character. Today I am popular as Palak. Earlier I was popular as Akbar. Tomorrow I may be known for playing another character. I’d be happy to go everywhere as the character that I am popular for playing. The roles I play are a very different entity from the person that I am. I have a very private life with my wife and kids at home. Palak is the public face. To have given Palak such a fiercely independent identity is not an easy thing.”
Kiku hopes to play Palak for some time. “She is loved by the public. I don’t intend to kill her for some time now.”
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