The thrilling crime based show Encounter (Endemol) on Sony Entertainment Television has been impressing viewers with some really interesting tales of gangsters and their journey that end in a tragic encounter at the hands of the cops.
And here we bring you the names of some popular actors who will be seen in one of the episodes in the show.
The episode will revolve around a female gangster and playing the powerful role will be the fiery Barkha Bisht. Giving her company will be a close aide played by the talented Behzad Khan.
To gun them down, the cop’s character will be played by Himmanshoo Malhotra. Also the pretty Parakh Madan will be seen in a positive avatar as Himmanshoo’s love partner.
When we buzzed Barkha she quipped, “I cannot say anything about it.” But before she went off line, she confirmed that she was a part of the episode.
Parakh on the other hand said, “I am in talks with the production for a very interesting character, hopefully things work out on the same.”
“I have been approached for the episode but I cannot talk anything about it,” averred Behzad.
Himmanshoo confirmed his presence and added, “I am currently shooting so I can give the details post my shoot.”
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