The evil Rao Surtan played by talented Anand Goradia has been impressing viewers with his acts in Sony TV’s Bharat Ka Veer Putra- Maharana Pratap (Contiloe Telefilms). And after being defeated by King Uday (Shakti Anand), Rao Surtan had moved out from the region.
But the fire of revenge hasn’t died in him as he will soon make a comeback to the show in a completely different look and an ulterior motive. The man will pledge to kill Pratap (Faisal Khan) and a disguise will be taken up by him to come closer to the young prince and attack him when the right opportunity would come knocking.
A source informs us, “Rao Surtan will dress up as a kinnar (eunuch) to get an entry into Uday’s kingdom and his palace.”
Rao Surtan will be more dangerous this time with revenge being his core motive and Pratap being on his hit list.
We called up Anand but he asked us to call later.
But the fire of revenge hasn’t died in him as he will soon make a comeback to the show in a completely different look and an ulterior motive. The man will pledge to kill Pratap (Faisal Khan) and a disguise will be taken up by him to come closer to the young prince and attack him when the right opportunity would come knocking.
A source informs us, “Rao Surtan will dress up as a kinnar (eunuch) to get an entry into Uday’s kingdom and his palace.”
Rao Surtan will be more dangerous this time with revenge being his core motive and Pratap being on his hit list.
We called up Anand but he asked us to call later.
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