We have been exclusively reporting about Nautanki Telefilms’ upcoming show Rang Rasiya on Colors. With big names Ashish Sharma, Sanaya Irani, Barkha Bisht, Tarun Khanna, Ananya Khare being on board, the makers have now roped in yet another powerful performer in Sadiya Siddiqui.
Sadiya, who was last seen portraying the very sensitive yet strong character of Radha in Star Plus’ Sasural Genda Phool, will play the rich and classy Rajmata in Rang Rasiya.
If sources are to be believed, Sadiya will play a poetess and painter, a lady who has a lot to give and is passionate about many things. She will marry a person who has the least of interests to her passions and thus, ends up having a troubled marriage.
When contacted, Sadiya told us, “I have also heard that they want me in the project. But I have not yet signed on the dotted lines.”
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Sadiya, who was last seen portraying the very sensitive yet strong character of Radha in Star Plus’ Sasural Genda Phool, will play the rich and classy Rajmata in Rang Rasiya.
If sources are to be believed, Sadiya will play a poetess and painter, a lady who has a lot to give and is passionate about many things. She will marry a person who has the least of interests to her passions and thus, ends up having a troubled marriage.
When contacted, Sadiya told us, “I have also heard that they want me in the project. But I have not yet signed on the dotted lines.”
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