Director and actor Rajat Rawail who appeared in Bodyguard with Salman Khan became the second celebrity actor to be evicted from the Bigg Boss 7 show last week. He was recommended by Salman Khan, but he was suffering from ill health and depression for the last two weeks. He had started out with a joke and a smile for everyone and added to the cheer of the show, but by second week he had undergone a complete transformation. He was depressed and crying most of the time.
What exactly went wrong? Rajat said, "Every week, the inmates get a chance to voice their secret wish. And when I spoke about my wish to speak to my darling daughter Gehna, from that moment onwards, I completely lost it! I knew there were inmates who were saying that I was faking my illness, but the fact remains that mentally and psychologically, I had allowed my emotions to get the better of me! I feel bad for Salman bhai, who recommended me for the show, but I really was helpless and couldn't lift myself from the emotional abyss!"
The medical experts attached to the show that airs regularly on Colors examined Rajat and found him to be in sound health. Andy had frankly stated that he thought Rajat was faking his illness. He was also not happy to be sent to the Jahanum side of the house and made no attempt to hide his displeasure. The dislike is definitely mutual. When asked to nominate one who should leave the show, Rajat had unhesitatingly named Andy. In his interview he said, "I feel Gauhar and Andy are faking out their emotions and trying to project themselves as different people. Andy, especially, has a very patronizing attitude towards others. He probably feels he is overqualified and over educated for the show. Gauhar has her own agenda and I'm sure all the inmates and also the viewers will realize it soon enough!"
Salman had asked Rajat to predict this season’s winner. Rajat identified the final four as Armaan Kohli, Tanisha, Sangram Singh and Elli. But after his eviction, in an interview, Rajat suggested the name of Apurva Agnihotri. He said, "I feel Apurva is a lot like Rahul Roy. He's playingthe game silently but solidly. So, we could have a dark horse there in him." Rajat also called Armaan the angel of the house and Asif as the devil of the house.
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